This patch is distributed as "gratitude-ware", in gratitude to the many fine programmers who have produced far more sophisticated freeware and shareware products for Macintosh users throughout the universe.
This patch will turn on the activity indicator in version 1.03 (and possibly earlier versions) of RAM Doubler. The activity indicator is a small white dot (a single pixel) in the upper left-hand corner of the screen that blinks when RAM Doubler is doing it's stuff. (Because some Macs, such as powerbooks, have screens without rounded corners, this indicator is invisible.) I find the indicator useful because it aids me in determining why my system is not running as quickly as I think it should be. With Apple's virtual memory, I can hear the hard disk spin, and see the hard drive activity light. As distributed, RAM Doubler provides no such indication of it's efforts.
This patch does NOT allow you to increase the "multiplier", i.e. this patch will not turn RAM Doubler into RAM Quintupler, or the like. Inquiries about this patch can be sent to it's "author", Ross E. Bergman, at "".
This patch cannot work properly while virus detection software is running. Please make sure that you have disabled any virus detectors before applying the patch.
This patch application was made with ResCompare, a free resource comparison and patch generation utility. ResCompare can be FTP’ed from most Macintosh archive sites. Send e-mail inquiries regarding ResCompare to
RAM Doubler is a product produced by Connectix Corporation.
Technical information: This patch simply changes the value of INIT id -4048 "Main" at location 0220 from $67 $06 to $4E $71 (turning a BEQ into a NOP).